Bday girl

Today is my birthday. I turned 18 (plus 8). I can't even believe how time has been passing by so fast. Yes, I know I'm still very young, but it's funny to compare my expectations from years ago to today's reality. First of all, I thought I would be graduated, have a kid or two, and have an amazing job. Well, today I don't have any kids, I'm about to graduate, and no, I still don't have my dream job. But boy howdy, I'm so happy! I'm about to graduate from BYU, an international university, and I have an amazing husband--who is trying to push the kids for the next year. And, if the right call comes along, I'll have my dream job pretty soon.

Besides, it's easy to turn 26 when you have friends and family calling you all the time, plus amazing friends who simply love you--despite the awful cream cheese frosting you made them eat.

The cupcakes were supposed to have fluffy, luscious frosting. Well, not the reality. My amazing in-law said it tasted amazing. Well, I hope he was right.

Robson HATES taking pictures. He allowed me just one, and no chances to get a better one.

And all the fun of blowing the candles. I forgot to make a wish! That should probably mean I'm as happy with my life as I can hope for...

And this is my please-take-this-freaking-picture-soon face. Don't I look like a happy birthday girl? :)

Um comentário

Daniela Beck disse...

Parabens, linda!!! Eu lembro quando te vi pela primeira vez, na classe de religiao na LDSBC um tempoooo atras, e voce fez a oracao, e o professor ficou impressionado com a sua oracao pq vc pediu q o espirito estivesse presente :) Voce realmente tem realizado e vai realizar mtos dos seus sonhos! Nos que viemos de fora e passamos por tantas coisas pra chegar aonde chegamos, nos tornamos mais fortes e com mais determinacao ainda, e vc com certeza eh uma delas! Feliz 26 aninhos! Beijos, dani