My life according to my phone

Despite all the craziness that comes with last week of classes, finals, and the hunt for a job, I was able to enjoy some of the warm weather outside with a barbecue with friends, ice cream, hot tube, and trampoline. Plus, I had an amazing Easter lunch at some friends' house. Life is still good!

On Wednesday, I had the hardest time ever deciding which type of apples to buy (seriously, there are tons!), and I saw popcorns popping on the apricot tree. Well, not really apricot, but yeah, you get the idea.

Then, later in the week, I had lunch with one of the cutest girls I know and jumped as high as I could (things did not exactly happen in that order).

And, to finish off my awesome week(end), I had a barbecue prepared by the best cooker in the world (who happens to be my husband), and I enjoyed some ice cream while bathing under the sun. Couldn't be better, huh?

Um comentário

Natacha disse...

Adoro ler seu blog, me sinto um pouco mais "por dentro" da sua vida, da maneira que eu gostaria de estar!
Prefiro qnd está tudo em português, claro! haha mas leio tmb em inglês...fazer o que né?rs
Você merece toda felicidade do mundo, vc é uma das pessoas que eu conheço que é mais corajosa, forte e determinada.
Parabéns mais uma vez!